February 22, 2017
If you have ever had the misfortune of becoming ill or hurting yourself in some way while you’re traveling, you know how much discomfort this can cause. Even something as seemingly minor as a tiny scratch can soon become a major problem, depending on the cleanliness of your surroundings, and the medical supplies at hand.
Often, you have our own preference when it comes to what medical products and supplies you wish to use. There are brand names that you are used to and that you rely upon to do the job of getting you back to health. When traveling, particularly overseas, it may be difficult to find similar products, and if the language on the package isn’t English, your chances of getting what you’re looking for won’t be a simple task. You don’t want to end up with hemorrhoid cream…when what you actually were looking for was aloe cream for sunburn :-).
Depending what part of the globe is your destination, your travel first aid kit will require specialized items for specific climates and for specific activities. For instance, if you’re going on a ski trip, you’ll want to pack some muscle reliever for those aching muscles at the end of a full day on the slopes, and something to alleviate a headache when your apres-ski partying carries on into the wee small hours of the morning :-).
Your first aid kit must-haves!
For your travel safety, there are basic items that your travel first aid kit should contain no matter if you’re traveling near or far from home. These will include:
Some items listed in the Basic Travel First Aid Kit are mentioned again in the following lists. Repetition for emphasis – these are items that you’ll really be glad you packed!
Apply sunscreen and lip balm liberally and regularly when you’re out in the elements.
Bring in motion-sickness medication, just in case!
Headache relief (Aspirin or Anacin) – Constant chatter from your kids in the back seat, the GPS’s nagging voice ‘Turn right here’; ‘As soon as possible, make a u-turn’, even those favorite road trip tunes blaring while someone sings along….badly….oh, it’s you :-), can all combine into one throbbing headache before too long.
Additional Health Items to Include When Packing for ANY Travel:
If this all sounds like just too much time and effort to put one of these travel first aid kits together, there are companies who have done all of the work for you….no muss, no fuss :-). Just head on over to a website like this one:
NorthBound Train First Aid Kit | Source: Amazon.com
select the kit that works for your own travel safety, and voila….you’re ready to take on the world…and stay healthy doing it!
Written by Emma Ghattas